Monday, 26 June 2017

Life and Times: Ramadan : 8 Reasons Why Ramadan Is So Important To...

Life and Times: Ramadan : 8 Reasons Why Ramadan Is So Important To...: One of the most important religious sects in the country is Islam and the  Ramadan  is one of its most important practices.  Ramadan stan...

Friday, 23 June 2017

Ramadan : 8 Reasons Why Ramadan Is So Important To Muslims

One of the most important religious sects in the country is Islam and the Ramadan is one of its most important practices. Ramadan stands as the ninth month on the Muslim calendar, believed to be the month when the first verses of the Koran were revealed to Prophet Muhammed. A religious annual observance of daylight fasting occur in this month and it stands as one of the religious core beliefs of Islam. The time spent fasting is used in prayer, chastity and the spiritual purification of the body and mind.

Here is a list of 8 interesting Reasons Why Ramadan Is so important to Muslims.

  1. It is the best of months
  2. The Quran was revealed in this month
  3. It is a month of mercy, blessings and forgiveness.
  4. The doors of heaven are opened.
  5. The doors of hell are closed.
  6. The Shaytaan is chained up.
  7. Rewards are multiplied from 10-700 times.
  8. There is one night (Laylatul-Qadr) that is better than 1000 nights.

Ramadan: 10 Interesting facts about Ramadan

Nigerians are widely believed to be one of the most religious set of people in the world. Religious beliefs, practices and rites have become a daily part of our lives. One of the most important religious sects in the country is Islam and the Ramadan fast is one of its most important practice. Here is a list of 10 interesting Ramadan facts.
Muslims all over the country, regardless of location, either in the North or South join other Muslims everywhere in the world in taking part in this major religious practice. Ramadan stands as the ninth month on the Muslim calendar, believed to be the month when the first verses of the Koran were revealed to Prophet Muhammed. A religious annual observance of daylight fasting occur in this month and it stands as one of the religious core beliefs of Islam. The time spent fasting is used in prayer, chastity and the spiritual purification of the body and mind.
Top 10 facts about Ramadan:
  1. Muslims all over the world regardless of nationality, ethnicity, race or colour participate in fasting for the entire month of Ramadan:
They are not permitted to eat or drink as soon as the sun rises until dusk throughout the month. They are also supposed to stay away from impurities and other pleasures.
  1. The new moon determines the start of Ramadan:
The start of Ramadan can vary in different places, as people still rely on someone seeing the new moon with the naked eye. The starting date also differs annually, as Islam functions that depend on a lunar calendar don’t match up with the solar calendar of the secular world.
  1. Ramadan fast is one of the five pillars of Islam:
The fast is one of the major religious belief and practices in Islam. It is one of Islam’s five pillars which is made up Salat (prayer), Shahada (an affirmation that there is no deity besides God and his prophet Muhammed), Zakat (charity) and Hajj (taking at least a once in a lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca).
  1. The first verses of the holy book was revealed during Ramadan:
It is the widely believed that the first verses of the holy book of Islam, which is the Qur’an was revealed by Allah during the month of Ramadan.
  1. Ramadan’s Purpose:
Throughout Ramadan, people fasting are expected to abstain from food, drinks and other pleasures from dawn to dusk. Participants are supposed to focus their mind on prayer, purity, spirituality and charity. Fasting is reminds you of the importance of self-control and the suffering of the poor. Ramadan fasting rules helps to cleanse your body and mind.
  1. Exclusion from the fast:
Some of the people exempted from fasting during Ramadan are pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding and people who are physically and mentally ill. Individuals who are travelling, engaged in hard labour and women on their period can also skip some days and make up for the days missed later.
  1. Children are not obligated to fast:
It is not compulsory for children to fast until they reach puberty but some choose to observe it in preparation for their adulthood.
  1. People fasting only eat before the sun rises and after the sunsets:
The meal taken before sunrise is Suhoor and the meal taken after sunset is Iftar.
  1. Breaking the fast unintentionally attracts no penalty:
Individuals are encouraged to discontinue their Ramadan fast if it threatens their overall health.
  1. Eid ul Fitr:
This is a large festival celebrated to mark the end of Ramadan, it begins the moment the new moon is sighted. Muslims celebrate with family and friends, prepare large meals and donate to charity so that poor people can also celebrate.

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Sunday, 4 June 2017

Monday, 5 December 2016

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Vitamin D not Necessary for healthy People

Researchers have found out that there is little or no reason to prescribe vitamin D supplements to people, especially the youths.
They found no significant effect of vitamin D in the body after carrying out detailed examination of more than 100 trials. They also added that future studies would have no significant change on the result.
Although risk-groups such as babies, pregnant women, and elderly people are still adviced to take supplements irrespective of their health status. They found that vitamin D supplementation does not change the relative risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and paranormal functioning of the brain and its blood vessels; health disorders normally associated with the old ones.
The New Zealand researchers concluded: 
"In view of our findings, there is little or no justification for prescribing vitamin D supplements to prevent or suppress the effect of such diseases, or even to reduce the risk of death in unselected community-dwelling individuals."
In one of his observations, Karl Michaelsson, from the department of surgical sciences at Uppsala university said obtaining health benefits from taking vitamin D supplements is still being debated.
While some nutrition experts say that vitamin D deficiency is responsible for a number of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and a higher risk of death, others argued that vitamin D deficiency is more likely to be the result of ill health and not the cause.
"This shows that vitamin D has a relevant role to play, but not that important. We shouldn't be rushing around getting vitamin D supplements from pharmacy for ourselves. Instead, the old-fashioned advice still holds true. Eat more fish, expose yourself more to the morning sunlight, and watch your diet and how you live your life." ... Dr. Karl
People at high risk of vitamin D deficiency include children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, the old ones, and people that do not have enough exposure to sunlight. Those with darker skin such as Africans, people who wear full-body coverings, as well as pale-skinned people have been shown to be at higher risk.

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Milk is a white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals. Milk has served as food and has been used for human consumption for thousands of years ago. Cow's milk is the most popular milk consumed by human today. Milk is rich protein and has been found to be vital for the good health of human, especially the children
Image source: dreamatico
 Here are 10 reasons why you should do more with milk:
  1. Milk is rich in essential micro-nutrients.
  2. Milk re-hydrates your body, especially after sports, by helping to replace electrolytes lost during exercise.
  3. Milk contains large quantities of calcium, which helps build strong bones, muscles and teeth.
  4. Milk contains large amount of iodine, which increases your metabolic rate and promotes fat burning.
  5. Milk contains vitamins Zinc and Selenium, all of which help boost your immune system and protects your body from diseases.
  6. Milk contains protein, vitamin-B12, Selenium and Iodine to boosts brain functions.
  7. Selenium and Vitamin-B12 found in milk also gives you beautiful hair and glowing skin.
  8. Milk contains potassium, Vitamin-B12 and B6 to free the energy in your body.
  9. Vitamin-A, found in milk helps keep your eyes healthy and helps improve night blindness.
  10. Milk contains Vitamin-H which helps promotes the growth of healthy nails.

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