Friday, 23 June 2017

Ramadan : 8 Reasons Why Ramadan Is So Important To Muslims

One of the most important religious sects in the country is Islam and the Ramadan is one of its most important practices. Ramadan stands as the ninth month on the Muslim calendar, believed to be the month when the first verses of the Koran were revealed to Prophet Muhammed. A religious annual observance of daylight fasting occur in this month and it stands as one of the religious core beliefs of Islam. The time spent fasting is used in prayer, chastity and the spiritual purification of the body and mind.

Here is a list of 8 interesting Reasons Why Ramadan Is so important to Muslims.

  1. It is the best of months
  2. The Quran was revealed in this month
  3. It is a month of mercy, blessings and forgiveness.
  4. The doors of heaven are opened.
  5. The doors of hell are closed.
  6. The Shaytaan is chained up.
  7. Rewards are multiplied from 10-700 times.
  8. There is one night (Laylatul-Qadr) that is better than 1000 nights.

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