6 Ways Money can Destroy People

People in this modern day world have a misconception that money is the solution to all our problems. They strive to make as much money as possible, so they can increase their standard of living, enjoy the finer things of this world, and have security and stability in their lives.

Is everything in this world all about money?

However,sometimes having a lot of money can be a curse and not a blessing. Money, if handled and perceived incorrectly can destroy.
Here are six ways money can destroy if it goes to the wrong person:
No amount of of money is ever enough.
1. Lack of contentment: Money can cause people to worry about a need for more. We must know that our lives do not consist in the abundance of our possessions, but how we can relate with and influence people positively.
2. Avarice: A particular feature of money is more and more. No amount is ever enough, and you just keep thirsty for more money with extreme greed.
3. Fear: When people have money, they often fear about loosing it. The money they thought would give peace of mind has now enslaved them to fear.
4. Desperation: People who see money as the only way of enjoying everything good in life are often desperate when it comes to money matters. When the darkness comes down, they make ridiculous moves, and could go to any length to achieve their aim.
5. Evil: The love of money is the root of all evil. It can choke and even sniff out the word of God from our heart, and when this goes out, what occupies the human heart is pure evil.
Friendship destruction
6. Friendship destruction: There are three things a boy will seek as he transitions from boyhood to manhood; self, money, woman. Of all these, money is the most dangerous weapon that can drive a wedge between friendship. People get weird when it comes to money matters. Yesterday friends turn enemies overnight if money issues are not handled with great transparency, sincerity, and honesty.

Money isn't a bad thing at all. In fact, it can prove to be a powerful tool for good in the hands of the right person. Make sure you do not loose your integrity, dignity, and good reputation by the wrong notion of money.

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